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Constrained Investors have specific needs. If you are approaching retirement, or already retired, use the calculator below to find out if you're a Constrained Investor.
If you are a Constrained Investor, you'll want to be cautious about the strategy you use to create your monthly income. Consider The Income for Life Model®. It's an investment strategy with the objective of creating inflation-adjusted income for life. Ask for a Personalized Analysis.
Watch the movie. Learn what a Constrained Investor is.
You need to carefully design your strategy for monthly income. Why? Your total savings amount isn't high relative to the income you expect to generate. This means less margin for error. You should try to manage The 3 Big Risks™.
Learn about The Income for Life Model by watching the movie below.
Request a Personalized Analysis. It describes your personal plan for creating retirement income.
I specialize in helping people plan for retirement security. Please enter your email address to request a Personalized Analysis of The Income for Life Model®.